Tuesday, December 18, 2012

7 shocking things that shorten your life span

No sense of humor 

You know how people always say “laughter is the best medicine?” Turns out they’re telling the truth. A study carried out by Sven Svebak at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, which covered 54,000 subjects, found that people with a high capacity for humor were 35 per cent more likely to be live longer than people who ranked at the bottom of the humor scale. If you are planning to go through life keeping laughter to a minimum, you’ll be missing out on health benefits such as stress reduction, immune system improvement, and increased blood flow, which could reduce your life expectancy when compared to your chuckling peers.


It’s been proven that taking regular holidays is a stress busting health booster, but it seems the way we travel to those holidays isn’t quite as healthy. In fact, flying can be downright bad for you. It’s already been proven by the Association of Flight Attendants that people who have careers in the aviation industry are more at risk of dying from cancer, and now it’s become apparent why. According to physicist Robert Parish, when you reach the average cruising altitude of 39,000 feet in a plane you are subject to 64 times more radiation than at sea level due to cosmic rays, which over time can seriously affect your wellbeing.  

Nasty co-workers

You know that person who you can’t stand at work? As if things weren’t bad enough already, they’re actually shortening your lifespan. Researchers at Tel Aviv University found that a person’s colleagues have a significant bearing on their wellbeing, with friendly and supportive co-workers leading to lowered stress levels and a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol. People at work who cause arguments and don’t share the workload equally have the opposite effect, causing stress and subsequently a higher risk of dying amongst their colleagues. These negative effects were most obvious in subjects between the ages of 38 and 43, so if you fall into that bracket it might be time to bury the hatchet with your work enemies.


Retiring is often the light at the end of the tunnel for stressed workers, especially for those who have saved all of their life so that they can do it earlier. Sadly, that lifetime of financial sacrifice is leading to a shorter lifespan according to research carried out by Shell Health Services. The study discovered that people who retire at 55 on average died younger than those who waited until they were 65. John Rother, chief lobbyist of the American Association of Retired Persons, explained it rather bluntly by saying “you use it or you lose it” – by retiring early, your body misses out on its daily dose of activity and you gradually become more unhealthy.

Not drinking alcohol

We’re always told to cut back on how much alcohol we drink, and rightly so – excessive alcohol consumption can severely damage your health. However, go to the opposite end of the drinking spectrum and you could be in even more trouble than heavy drinkers. A study at the University of Texas found that non-drinkers have a lower life expectancy than people who drink a moderate amount, and in some cases even lower than heavy drinkers. This is partly due to missing out on the health benefits associated with alcohol. Alcohol (in sensible amounts) helps to protect against heart disease, and decreases the likelihood of Alzheimer’s and dementia through improved neuron function in the brain.

Sleeping too much

Getting enough sleep is important when it comes to good health, so surely the more shut-eye you get the better, right? Wrong. Consistently going too far over the recommended eight hours can negatively affect your health according to a study conducted by RealAge.com. The findings showed that participants who slept for more than nine and a half hours a night suffered from a staggering 60 per cent increase in heart disease, and a higher mortality rate when compared to people who stick to the recommended amount. As well as heart disease, over-sleeping has also been linked with a whole host of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, headaches and depression. 

Not having sex

Sex is good for you. Is anyone still here? For those of you who haven’t frantically run off to tell a significant other the good news, we’ll explain why. The British Medical Journal conducted a sex survey and found that men who didn’t have sex at least once a month experienced twice the mortality rate of those who were getting lucky once a week. It’s not hard to see why this is the case – having sex burns kilojoules, lowers blood pressure, boosts the immune system, and much, much more. A study at Duke University also backed this up, finding that women who had enjoyable sex lives lived eight years longer than those who didn’t.
Ref:  http://sg.news.yahoo.com/7-shocking-things-shorten-life-span-090000150.html

Friday, November 9, 2012

7 strange health tips that work

7 strange health tips that work: Balance hormones with spearmint tea7 strange health tips that work: Balance hormones with spearmint tea

Balance hormones with spearmint tea

For ladies suffering from hormonal problems including acne or facial hair, research has found that spearmint tea can be an effective natural treatment to its anti-androgen properties. Turkish researchers found that drinking two cups of spearmint tea a day reduced levels of male sex hormones in the body, which could be good news for women currently relying on medication including oral contraceptives to help control excessive hair growth (hirsutism) or acne.

Ease headaches with lime

If you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines try stocking up on limes, which many have found to be a good natural cure. The scent of lime is thought to be good for headaches, while the coolness of the fruit can also help to ease the pain. To help ease a headache naturally, cut a lime in half and rub the cut end across your forehead, or the part of your head which aches.

Boost your brain power with chewing gum

If you don’t have time for your morning coffee or have a busy morning and need to focus, try having a piece of chewing gum instead to feel more alert. Researchers at Coventry University have found that chewing mint-flavored gum can dramatically decrease feelings of tiredness, while separate research studies have suggested that chewing gum can improve test scores and improve memory by 35 per cent.

Cure hay fever with honey

Hay fever is a persistent problem for many. However, if you want to beat hay fever without relying on anti-histamines, honey can provide a great natural remedy. Honey is believed to cure hay fever as the bee pollen contained in it can desensitise your body to the pollen which causes hay fever. While it has not yet been proven by scientific research, many have found that taking a spoonful of local honey a day is an effective cure for their allergies.

Improve your immune system with dirt

Many of us avoid dirt and bacteria out of a fear of getting ill. However, while it is generally important to maintain good hygiene standards, a little bit of dirt could be better for you than you think. Research suggests that exposure to friendly bacteria found in soil can actually help boost the immune system and alleviate depression, making gardening and countryside walks ideal activities for giving your health a boost.

Turn off your bedside lamp to feel happier

Many of us experience bad moods or feel inexplicably down from time to time. However, an unexpected solution to your bad mood could be to make sure your room is dark before you go to sleep. Research has shown that night time light can suppress the production of melatonin; a mood-regulating hormone only produced during darkness. To give your mood a boost, try investing in heavy curtains and turn off all lights before bed, including your TV.

Prevent sore throats and headaches by being more honest

If you find yourself regularly suffering from headaches or sore throats it may be that you are telling too many little white lies! We all tell the odd fib from time, whether it is complimenting someone’s unflattering hairdo or claiming to be “on our way” before we have even left the house. However, according to research, lying can be harmful to your health due to the stress it generates. A study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that when people reduced the amount of lies they told, they suffered from less anxiety, headaches and sore throats.
Ref:  http://sg.news.yahoo.com/7-strange-health-tips-work-091209858.html

Monday, October 8, 2012

Amazing Benefits of Bananas

Fight Cancer with Natural Fruits

A Health Poem:
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Some Tulsi Leaf a day keeps cancer at bay.
A Lemon a day keeps the fat off your belly.
A cup of Milk a day keeps your bone strong and healthy.
Drink three liters of Water in a day will keep all diseases far away.

Anti-Cancer Super Fruits are:
Goji Berries
Dragon Fruit
Acai Berries

Recommended Juicing Combination of difference fruits and vegetables for optimal benefits.

10 Juicable Fruits for Good Health


10 Fruit Juices Good for Health      

 Not many people know that soursop fruit (also part of the soursop tree, ie leaves) keep hidden strength to fight cancer effectively than with treatment using medicines and chemo therapy. Unfortunately, the good news is covered up by one of world company who conduct research and wants research funding plus generous benefits go to the company, before the pharmaceutical raw materials from soursop fruit thrown into the world market. Apart from soursop fruit, there are many other fruits that have a great benefits for health. All fruits are also consumed it easier and more comfortable with processed into healthy fruit juice.

10 Fruit Juices Beneficial to Health  

#10.   Avocado juice   
Avocado juice for health benefits include:

·     Helps formation of red blood cells  
·     Prevents anaemia  
·     For pregnant women, folic acid content of avocados can stimulate brain development and  the formation of the spinal cord.
·     Controlling the bad fats (LDL cholesterol) and raise the good fats (HDL cholesterol)
·     Prevents stroke
·    Anti-wrinkle and ageless. etc.

#9. Tomato juice
Tomato juice for health benefits are:

·      High antioxidant useful to defend the body from free radicals.
·      Content of lycopene in tomatoes could prevent prostate cancer.
·      To maintain ideal body weight for those who are dieting to lose weight and   may increase appetite for those who are raising the weight as well as in the recovery phase after illness.
·      Preventing constipation.
·     Glycogen levels can stabilize liver function, etc.  

#8. Apple juice  
One apple a day could save your life, this phrase seems to be true, the content of apples is very useful for health, including:  

·      Content of quercet in in apples may as anticancer and anti-inflammatory.
·     Content of pectin can help remove dirt build up in the gut for so long.
·     Can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
·     Can reduce appetite.  
·     Can treat headaches, etc.

#7. Strawberry juice  
Strawberry juice for health benefits are:
·      Contain ellagic acid, which act as antioxidants to counteract free radicals that enter the body
·      Can inhibit tumour cell growth in lung, breast, cervix.
·      Can cleanse the body’s digestive system.
·      Controlling cholesterol levels.
·      Can reduce pain in joints, etc.

#6. Guava juice
Benefits contained in guava juice include:  

·      Can reduce cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure.
·      Can prevent thrush.
·      Able to lose weight.
·     Content of vitamin C in guava juice can relieve colds and coughs.
·     Content astringent can cure diarrhoea.
·     Can prevent bone loss in,  etc.

#5. Kiwi fruit juice  
Kiwi juice for health benefits include:

·       Rich in vitamin C is useful for protecting the body from cancer cells.  
·       Rich in fibre can reduce constipation.  
·      Content of potassium helps regulate blood pressure.
·      To prevent infection, premature aging.
·      Very good for those who suffer from heart disease.
·      Relieve cold and flu, etc.

#4. Mango juice  
Mango juice for health benefits include:  

·   Act as a disinfectant to cleanse the body and blood in the body.  
  Rich in carotenoid that can mencegahh colon cancer and cervical cancer bone.  
   Can rejuvenate the body’s cells.  
   Can  prevent body odour caused by bacteria, etc.

#3. Noni juice    

Although it tastes pretty bad, but noni juice or noni fruit dutch is very beneficial to health, including:  

·      Can boost the immune system.
·     Can normalize / reduce blood pressure.
·     Be able to fight tumours and cancer cells.
·     Contains scopoletin which functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.
·     Very useful for the disease: hypertension, stroke, diabetes, migraine, vertigo, vaginal discharge, painful joints, etc.

#2. Pomegranate juice    

Pomegranate juice for health benefits:  

·     Substances tannins can anesthetize roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms in the intestines and release it with faeces.
·     Rich in vitamins A, C, E and folic acid good for pregnancy.
·     Rich in antioxidants that help prevent blockages in the arteries caused by cholesterol.
·     Prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer, etc.  

#1.  Soursop juice
A study published by The Journal of Natural Products mentioned that the soursop fruit as the “miracle fruit” that is very nutritious for health, including:

·      Can effectively pick and choose the target bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, namely breast cancer, prostate, lung, colon, pancreas.
·      Working 10 thousand times more powerful to postpone cell growth cancer than drug (andriamicin) or chemo therapy.
·      Soursop juice selectively hunt down and kill the bad cells and not harm / kill healthy cells, in contrast with a deadly chemo therapy evil and gels healthy cells (ie causing hair loss).
·      Increase energy, immune system, preventing it from infection, etc             

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Top foods that reduce cholesterol

Snack on nuts, drizzle a little olive oil, grab an apple, dine on fish, bite a chocolate. All these foods can help you lower your cholesterol.
cholesterol lowering foodscholesterol lowering foods (D and N)

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is made by the liver. It is a part of every cell in the body and serves many vital functions. However, sometimes our bodies make more cholesterol than we need, and this excess cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog blood vessels and increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.

Top foods to lower cholesterol:

  •  OatsOats, the sturdy breakfast food is not only a fine way to start the day, but it can also really bring down your bad LDL cholesterol levels without lowering your good cholesterol. It is rich in soluble fibre (beta-glucan), a type of fibre, which helps lower LDL. Soluble fibre appears to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines.
  • Fish: Fish are one of the foods that will help lower your cholesterol because they have a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids. ‘Fatty’ fish like salmon, lake trout and herring are the best for lowering your cholesterol. Two servings of fish a week will make a huge difference on your cholesterol levels.
  • Beans: Researchers at Arizona State University Polytechnic found that adding ½ a cup of beans to soup lowers total cholesterol, including LDL, by up to 8%. All thanks to the high fibre levels in this veggie, which slows the rate and amount of absorption of cholesterol in certain foods. So, try black, kidney, or pinto beans; each supplies about one-third of your day’s fibre needs.
  • GarlicApart from adding that extra zing to any dish, garlic has been found to be highly effective in lowering cholesterol, preventing blood clots and keeping blood pressure under check, and offering protection against infections. Pop 2 to 4 fresh cloves daily and reap its benefits.
  • NutsCertain nuts like almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, and pistachios deserve an honoured spot in the kitchen of every healthy eater. They contain omega-3 fatty acids. They’re also a source of fibre and vitamin-E.
  • Soya: A number of studies show that soy protein may lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and triglycerides without lowering ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. Soya products are high in protein and fibre, and low in saturated fat, which are additional plusses to this heart-healthy food.
  • Olive oil: Olive oil contains a mix of antioxidants that can lower LDL cholesterol without affecting HDL cholesterol level. The Food and Drug Administration, USA recommends using about 2 tablespoons (about 23 grams) of olive oil a day to get its heart-healthy benefits. Some research suggests that the cholesterol-lowering effects of olive oil are even greater if you choose extra-virgin olive oil, meaning the oil is less processed and contains more heart-healthy antioxidants.
  • CinnamonPlant compounds in cinnamon have been found to be effective in lowering cholesterol. The results of a study from 2003 in Pakistan showed lower levels of fasting glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol after 40 days of cinnamon use with levels continuing to drop for 20 days after that.
  • AppleEating an apple or two each day may reduce heart disease risk factors, a new study shows. Apples are rich in fibre, which assists in improving our digestive system function. It’s also rich in polyphenols which stimulate metabolism and fat breakdown in the blood, thereby considerably reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases like stroke or heart attack.
  • Blueberries: Pterostilbene — the fat-fighting compound in blueberries is responsible for regulating lipids and cholesterol in the bloodstream. Antioxidants in blueberries have been found to lower bad cholesterol and improve cholesterol health in several notable studies.
  • CranberriesCranberries are rich sources of anthocyanins, flavonols, and proanthocyanidins, plant chemicals that prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidising, a process that makes it more likely to stick to your artery walls. These chemicals also keep red blood cells from getting too sticky. An added bonus: They initiate a complex chemical reaction that helps blood vessels relax. Plus, they decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL.
  • FlaxseedsFlaxseed oil contains the essential fatty-acid alpha linolenic acid, and whole flaxseed provides fibre and other health-boosting compounds that may contribute to lowering cholesterol and decreasing cardiovascular health risks.
  • Chocolate: The powerful antioxidant in chocolate helps build HDL cholesterol levels. Remember to choose the dark or bittersweet kind. Compared to milk chocolate, it has more than 3 times as many antioxidants, which prevent blood platelets from sticking together and may even keep arteries unclogged.
  • Brown rice: Higher intakes of whole grains such as brown rice are associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. One cup of cooked brown rice has 4gms of dietary fibre, which is 14% of the recommended daily value based on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet. This source of insoluble fibre lowers cholesterol and decreases your chance of heart disease and may also help slow its progression.

With inputs from Ryan Fernando, Performance Nutritionist and Weight Management Expert, QUA Nutrition

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Aging Begins at Birth---How to Age Slowly and Gracefully

We begin to age from the time we are born. Aging is natural and irreversible but it can be slowed down.
Read on for tips that will help you to age slowly and gracefully Read more:
Stretch Marks in Teenagers-What You Should Know

Photo by: istockphoto
Importance of Exercise The importance of exercise in keeping a person young cannot be stressed enough. Do not forget to engage in 30 minutes of daily exercise if youthfulness is your goal

Photo by: FreeSoulProduction
Maintain a Balance As we grow older we need fewer calories so we have to balance between what we need and what we end up eating.


Photo by: istockphoto
Avoid Saturated Fats Avoid food with high levels of saturated fat such as red meat. On the other hand, a low fat diet is rejuvenating, especially one that is plant- based.

Photo by: istockphoto
Low Sugar Limit your sugar intake. Sugar acts like an oxidant that produces free radicals and also brings about weight gain

Photo by: istockphoto
Water Water Everywhere Make sure you stay hydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day for smooth and younger-looking skin.

Photo by: istockphoto
Eat Well Eat Right Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially the green and red variety. They act as anti oxidants and help to combat diseases associated with aging.

Photo by: istockphoto
Go Green! Consume green tea as it is an excellent anti oxidant which helps to detox and rejuvenate.

Photo by: istockphoto
Sun Protection Avoid the sun as 80% of aging is due to sun exposure. Before stepping out do not forget to use a sunscreen with SPF 15-30. Also wear those sunglasses!

Photo by: istockphoto
Skin Care Routine Follow the cleaning, toning, moisturizing (CTM) routine religiously. Using an anti-aging cream with AHAs, vitamin C and E is also known to delay wrinkle formation.

Photo by: istockphoto
Snatch those 40 Winks Sleep has rejuvenating properties. Make sure you sleep well for 8 hours daily to promote damage-repair mechanisms and to energize yourself.

Photo by: istockphoto
Indulge in Intimacy Sex is revitalizing! Engage in healthy sex with your partner regularly to release those ''feel good'' chemicals - endorphins.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

10 Super Delicious Ways to Fight Cancer

Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the US. It is the second-largest killer in the country. A lot of people are suffering from various kinds of cancer in the US. Scientists and bioengineers have fortunately found out ways to fight this deadly disease. There are various kinds of surgeries and other medical treatments that help treat cancer. 

However, prevention is better than cure. It is better to avoid cancer by controlling your diet. You might find it hard to believe, but there are 10 super-delicious foods that help you fight cancer. Below is a list of organic foods that are free of toxic pesticides and can help shield you against cancer.

Read More From QuickEasyFit

Photo by: Dimitris66
Kefir - It is full of probiotics that help protect the immune system. This lacto-fermented beverage protects the immune system by maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Read Also - 9 Natural Remedies Too Strange to Try


Photo by: mpikula
Grapes - Grapes are delicious and loved by everyone. Now you have one more reason to add it to your diet. Grapes contain resveratrol that slows the growth of cancer cells. 
Read Also - 12 Instant Health & Happiness Boosting Regimen for Today

Photo by: Kasiam
Green Tea - Green tea promotes and maintains good health. It has a lot of advantages. It also helps fight against cancer (especially lung cancer) by preventing tumor growth and killing cancer cells. The presence of antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) makes it a natural enemy of the cancer. 
Read Also - Surprising Health and Beauty Benefit of Aloe Vera


Photo by: Floortje
Tomatoes - Tomatoes are used in salads and general cooking. They have a very useful antioxidant, lycopene, which helps control prostate cancer. You should eat it raw and also use tomato juice. It not only helps your sandwich taste better, but also decreases chances of cancer. 
Read Also - Factors to Consider Before Buying Health Care Products

Photo by: lepas2004
Garlic - Garlic, the wonder herb, is a natural antibiotic. It is a cure to dozen diseases, including cancer and is hidden inside it. Thanks to the presence of allicin (an organic compound) it helps control cholesterol and blood pressure. Add it to your diet to live a healthier life. 
Read Also - 9 Health Facts That Are No Longer True...

Photo by: eli_asenova
Berries - Everyone loves berries for their delicious taste. The yummy fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C, and contains ellagic acid that kills cancer cells. They have the highest amount of antioxidants among all the berries. 
Read Also - Secret Healing Power and Benefits of Summer Berries... 

Photo by: MarenWischnewski
Broccoli - A source of sulforaphane, this vegetable flushes out cancer-causing chemicals and makes the body healthier and fitter. 
Read Also - Nine So-called 'Health Foods That Are Overrated

Photo by: Vladimir1965
Wild Alaskan Salmon - Salmon is not only a delicious food, but is also healthy. Fresh Alaskan salmon is your best option as it is rich with healthy omega 3 fatty acids that are very good for the body. They greatly reduce the risk of cancer. When buying salmon, Atlantic farmer salmon should be avoided as it is mostly treated with antibiotics.
Add these 10 delicious foods to your meal and say good bye to cancer in the tastiest way possible.