Monday, October 20, 2014



  这位 Hakim让他自己在家中做一个食疗,他吃了一个月。一个月后他去同一家医院做检查,发现三条血管干干净净,原来堵塞的地方已经全通了。他是一位虔诚的回教徒,为了让更多的人受益,他把自己的经验放在网上分享,他的前后两张血管照片也放了在网上,在照片中,服用食疗之前与之后的分别连普通人也看得出来。



Thursday, October 16, 2014

How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

More and more people are suffering from heart disease and clogged arteries. However the solution could be a simple and delicious fruit.
Cardiovascular disease kills more than 800,000 people in the U.S. alone annually. The usual cause for cardiovascular disease is atherosclerosis, which is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries which carry oxygen rich blood around the body.
These arteries become clogged with a ‘plaque’ which is a result of the build up of bad cholesterol, fat and calcium. This plaque hardens over time leading to heart attacks, strokes and other heart conditions.
However plaque can also build up in the arteries surrounding the kidney, brain, pelvis, arms and legs, all of which will lead to serious health issues.
The risk of atherosclerosis is raised by certain risk factors which we can control such as an unhealthy diet, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle, in addition to a genetic predisposition which we cannot control. Most experts admit the main treatment for atherosclerosis is lifestyle changes although medications are handed out which naturally have associated side effects.
New research has been carried out studying the effect of pomegranate extract on blocked arteries. The respected journal Atherosclerosis published the paper (i) which detailed a study undertaken on mice.
They added pomegranate extract to the drinking water of mice who were known to have a genetic propensity to spontaneous blockages of the coronary arteries. They started this when the mice were just three weeks old. Their results showed that “despite the fact that pomegranate treatment actually increased cholesterol levels associated with very low density lipoprotein-sized particles, the treatment both reduced the size of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic sinus (the dilated opening above the aortic valve) and reduced the proportion of coronary arteries with occlusive atherosclerotic plaques”
The study went on to detail further benefits which had been found with this simple addition of pomegranate extract. They include a “reduction in all of the following issues:
* levels of oxidative stress 
* ECG abnormalities
* cardiac enlargement
* lipid accumulation in the heart muscle
* levels of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and fibrosis in the myocardium
* macrophage infiltration in the heart muscle
* monocytie chemotactic protein-1, a chemical messenger (chemokine) associated with inflammatory processes within the arteries.”
Indeed other studies have also shown the power of pomegranates to help clear this dangerous build up in arteries.
A three year study was carried out in Israel, with the results being published in 2004 in theClinical Nutrition journal (ii). They looked at the effect over three years on patients suffering from clogged arteries who drank pomegranate juice daily. They concluded that there was a reduction in the build up within the first year of 29%. In the same period the control group showed an increase in artery blockages of 9%.
The benefits of pomegranates in the treatment of cardiovascular disease is thought to be due to several inherent properties of the fruit and their effects on various functions within the body. Research has confirmed the following effects:
ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES – pomegranate has been shown to lower the oxidative stress in the blood in humans and mice (iii). It is the process of oxidation that converts the bad cholesterol into the dangerous plaque. The tests on mice showed a reduction in this oxidation process, which was reflected in a corresponding reduction of 44% in the arterial lesions. The report concluded that “pomegranate juice had potent antiatherogenic effects in healthy humans and in atherosclerotic mice that may be attributable to its antioxidative properties.”
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PROPERTIES – inflammation is one of the root problems of many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease. Several studies have proven the strong anti-inflammatory qualities of pomegranate´s (iv) with other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease responding to these properties.
ANTI-BACTERIAL and ANTI-VIRAL PROPERTIES – the plaque build up can often be worsened by additional bacterial or viral infections such as chlamydia pneumoniae and hepatitis C (v). Harnessing the anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of pomegranate´s could minimize these effects.
BLOOD PRESSURE LOWERING PROPERTIES – studies have shown that pomegranate juice can reduce blood pressure (vi) and (vii) where diabetes or obesity is an issue. Also research has highlighted that pomegranate extract (known as PFE) is a rich source of punicalagin, a powerful anti-oxidant, and this has been found to reduce and even reverse the effects of “perturbed stress on arterial segments exposed to disturbed flow”
This is further proof that we can eat to heal ourselves, just as our ancestors did.
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Top 10 Health Benefits of Lemon Water

We often hear health experts say that drinking a glass of warm water with lemon every day early in the morning is good for our health. Here’s why:
  • Water is extremely good for your health as it is the best way to keep the body hydrated, and it helps flush out harmful toxins.
  • Lemon is a good source of many nutrients like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, C and B-complex as well as pectin fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. Lemon’s citric acid and strong antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting powers also help keep you healthy.
To easily reap the benefits, just squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass of purified, lukewarm water. If you want, you can add a little honey too. Drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and wait 30 minutes before eating your breakfast.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of drinking lemon water.

1. Improves Digestion

Several components in lemon stimulate your liver to produce more bile needed for healthy digestion. Also, lemon assists the digestive system in flushing unwanted materials and toxins out of the body.
A daily glass of warm lemon water helps relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, belching and bloating.
It also prevents constipation and diarrhea by promoting smooth bowel functioning. The American Cancer Society recommends this healthy drink to cancer patients to help stimulate bowel movements.

2. Aids Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, drinking a glass of warm lemon water with honey will definitely help you reach your goal. Lemon is high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings and keeps you feeling full for a longer time.
Also, the combination of warm water, honey and lemon creates a more alkaline atmosphere in your stomach helping you lose weight faster.

3. Clears Skin

Daily consumption of warm lemon water can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. It helps purify your blood and encourages growth of new blood cells.
Also, the high vitamin C content as well as other antioxidants in lemon helps keep the skin free from wrinkles and blemishes and helps combat free-radical damage.
The water and honey add restorative, antibacterial and collagen-boosting properties to promote your skin health.

4. Supports Immune System

Warm lemon water also boosts the immune system. Being rich in vitamin C, lemon helps boost the immune system and assists the body in fighting colds and flu.
Plus, lemon enhances the body’s ability to absorb iron, an important nutrient for a healthy immune system. Lemon also contains saponins, which have antimicrobial properties that help keep infections at bay.

5. Treats Bad Breath

The acidic nature of lemon, combined with the medicinal properties of honey and water, can help eliminate bad breath. It cleanses the mouth and activates production of saliva that kills odor-causing bacteria.
Lemon water also helps get rid of the white film on your tongue that usually develops while you sleep. This white film consists of decaying food and bacteria that cause bad breath.

6. Balances pH Levels

Lemon is one of the best alkalizing foods for the body as it contains both citric and ascorbic acid that help maintain the pH levels. A good pH level is essential as too much acidity in the body can be inflammatory.
Drinking lemon water regularly on an empty stomach in the morning helps remove overall acidity in the body, including uric acid in the joints that is one of the primary causes of pain and inflammation.

7. Increases Energy

increases energy
The nourishing elements like vitamins B and C, phosphorous, proteins and carbohydrates present in lemon make it a natural energizing agent. It hydrates and oxygenates the body to keep you feeling revitalized, energized and refreshed.
Also, as lemon contains more negative-charged ions, it provides instant energy when it enters the digestive tract. Plus, the scent of lemon has mood-enhancing and energizing properties.

8. Cures Throat Infections

cures throat infections
The antibacterial properties of lemon aid in fighting problems related to throat infections, a sore throat and tonsillitis.
In fact, people who drink a glass of warm lemon water each morning are at a lower risk of developing throat infections. This healthy drink even helps prevent respiratory problems like asthma.
If you have a sore throat, drink this healthy drink and also use it to gargle frequently to speed up the healing process.

9. Controls High Blood Pressure

high blood pressure
Those suffering from high blood pressure can benefit immensely from this healthy drink. It helps cleanse the lymphatic system and keeps it hydrated.
The high potassium content in lemon also helps you sleep better, reduces stress and improves your mental functioning, which in turn helps keep your blood pressure in the normal range.

10. Cleans the Urinary Tract

urinary tract cleanse
Warm lemon water acts as a diuretic and hence helps cleanse the urinary tract and encourages the production of urine. Plus, this healthy drink can change the pH level of the urinary tract, in turn discouraging the proliferation of bad bacteria.
The citric acid in lemon also aids in detoxification that is essential to keep the urinary tract free of infections. For women who suffer from frequent UTIs (urinary tract infections), this healthy drink will be a big help to keep recurrent infections at bay.
To sum up, having a glass of fresh lemon water first thing in the morning can improve your health immensely. For better health and energy, you must make this an essential part of your daily routine.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

11 Foods That Should ALWAYS Be In Your Fridge

Keep a few extra ingredients alongside your cupboard staples and you'll be able to whip up a healthy meal in no time

When you’re tired, hungry and have to knock up a meal in less than 20 minutes it can be easy to reach for easy options, like frozen pizzas or ready meals.
But if you make sure your fridge is always stocked with these foods, alongside your staples – like pasta, eggs and milk – you should be able to create fantastically delicious and nutritious meals in no time. 
11 Foods That Should ALWAYS Be In Your Fridge

Tomato paste

Health benefits: When you need to make a meal quickly, a smoky tomato paste can be a cooking-saviour. It adds a lot of flavour to your meals, but is low in fat and calories. It ‘s also relatively cheap and could help to protect your skin against harmful UV damage.
How? Tomato paste contains lycopene, which is an antioxidant that can help defend against the sun’s UV rays. The BBC Science and Nature team conducted a study and found that when women ate tomato paste every day for 12 weeks they had a 30 per cent increase in skin protection.
Serving suggestion: To make sure your tomato paste is healthy try to make your own. Then add it to pizzas, chicken, pasta, meatballs or ratatouille.

Shiitake mushrooms

Health benefits: In Asia shiitake mushrooms are a symbol of longevity and it’s easy to see why. Not only are shiitake mushrooms a great source of iron they are also packed with antioxidants and contain vitamin B2, B6 and B3.
Plus, studies have found that shiitake mushrooms can lower cholesterol, enhance our immune system and, according to WH Foods, shiitake mushrooms could also have anti-cancer benefits.
Serving suggestion: Shiitake mushrooms are delicious when added to miso soup. Or you could sauté your mushrooms with garlic, adding this combo to noodle or pasta dishes.   


Health benefits: If you’ve had a stressful day and are feeling worried, then have some yogurt for dessert. A study conducted by researchers at Toronto University found that a probiotic bacteria found in some yogurts could help decrease anxiety.
Serving suggestion: Add honey, chopped apples and cinnamon to yogurt. To help reduce your anxiety even further, add a handful of chopped walnuts to your dessert. Walnuts contain tryptophan, which can also help calm your mind.


Health benefits: Watermelon contains vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and zinc. If you exercise regularly and are fed up of getting aching muscles you’ll also be pleased to hear that a study published in theJournal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry found that watermelon juice could help ease muscle soreness.
Serving suggestion: Why not make a watermelon smoothie for breakfast? Or you could always create a light lunch or healthy starter by serving your watermelon with crumbled feta, black olives, mint, olive oil and onions.Immune-boosting foods: Ginger [Rex]Immune-boosting foods: Ginger [Rex]


Health benefits: There are a ton of health benefits associated with ginger, which is why it’s such a great food to have in your fridge. Ginger can help ease bloating, reduce gas and it can also help boost your immune system.
Serving suggestion: Ginger is a hugely versatile ingredient and you can use it to flavour curries, salads or you could simply add some grated ginger to hot water for a stomach-soothing tea. Popping in a little honey and lemon juice can help sweeten the tea if you find the ginger too overpowering.

Prune puree

Health benefits: When baking, prune puree can be used as a healthy alternative to butter and, because of its high fibre content, prune puree will help you feel fuller for longer.  
Serving suggestion: Add prune puree to certain cake recipes so that you can stick to eating healthily whilst still indulging your sweet tooth. Prune puree works particularly well in a chocolate cake recipe because of its rich taste.

Soy miso paste

Health benefits: Soy miso paste is made from fermented soya beans and when eaten it will boost your levels of protein and fibre. It also contains important antioxidants that we all need, like manganese, copper and zinc.
Serving suggestion: You can create a marinade for your fish dish out of miso paste or add miso paste to soup or stir frys.


Health benefits: Not only is tzatziki packed with protein, which will help keep you fuller for longer, it’s a great substitute for lots of unhealthy foods too, like sour cream and mayonnaise.
Serving suggestion: Use tzatziki as an accompaniment to chicken, veg or turkey kebabs. Tztatiki also tastes great with white fish, falafel and as a mayo replacement on burgers.


Health benefits: Within just one cup of pineapple you get 78.87mg of vitamin C, which is a huge amount. Especially if you consider the fact that the NHS recommends adults need 40mg of vitamin C per day. 
Vitamin C is great for your immune system, so if you want to ward off colds and bugs, make sure you’ve got pineapple on your shopping list.
Serving suggestion: Chop pineapple and add to prawn kebabs. Pineapple can also be used to make a delicious sweet and sour sauce for a stir fry.


Health benefits: Beetroot juice has been celebrated in recent years as a superfood. Research has also found that drinking the purple stuff can reduce high blood pressure, boost athlete’s stamina and potentially help ward off dementia.
However, when eaten beetroot can also help protect against some types of cancer and can help reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
Serving suggestion: Serve beetroot with goat’s cheese or as part of a salad. You could also create beetroot chutney or incorporate beetroot into your baking by adding it to the next batch of brownies you whip up.Bone, heart and brain health: SardinesBone, heart and brain health: Sardines


Health benefits: Sardines promote bone health, heart health and also contain high levels of protein and iodine. Iodine is an especially important nutrient if you are pregnant, as a deficiency of iodine can affect the brain development of unborn babies.
The NHS recommends that pregnant women try to eat two portions of oily fish each week, but no more than two portions.

Serving suggestion: Sardines are a versatile fish that can be added to pasta dishes, pies or served grilled with a simple dressing, such as mustard, olive oil and lemon.   For an extra hit of iodine serve your sardines with kale.
