One of the biggest
struggles fitness newbies find, is matching their exercise efforts with
the right meal plan. After a hard day at the office followed by a tough
session at the gym, the last thing you want to do is slave over a hot
However, new studies tell us that diet should always be the number 1
priority when it comes to weight loss; that eating clean is more
important than clocking the miles on a treadmill. Experts contributing
to the British Journal of Sports Medicine agreed that, “the
belief that exercise can counteract the impact of unhealthy eating is a
myth.” Regular exercise should supplement a well-balanced diet. A grey area for healthy eating is lunch. Busy lives get in the way, and as a result, convenience takes precedence over good nutrition. If you're guilty of gorging come 1pm, check out what healthy people have for lunch.

Avocado Chicken Wholemeal Sandwich
Okay, so it didn't take long for the 'A' word to crop up – but they're just too tasty to ignore! Despite being relatively high in fat and calories, avocados are a staple in every healthy person's fridge – why? Because they're so nutrient dense, ready with vitamins K, C, E, B 5 and 6, folate, potassium and monosaturated fatty acids.Nutrient content aside, its rich texture and nutty flavour also make this fruit ideal for sandwiches. For summer, why not try a refreshingly delicious avocado, chicken and mango combo? Good fats, fruit and protein in one – it's a health guru's dream.
Superfood Salad
What's summer without a salad? If the heat is taking its toll on your appetite, freshen your palette with an irresistible superfood salad. We're talking quinoa (around 250g), cool and crunchy pomegranate seeds, plum tomatoes, soya beans, broccoli, kale, pine nuts and of course avocado. Feel free to mix and match your ingredients – the more greens, the better! And to finish, add a zest of lemon juice. If you're struggling to bind your salad or find it a touch too dry, combine with 2 tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil.This nutrient kick won't only make you super-productive post-1pm; the antioxidant content of this superfood salad is perfect prep for holiday season too. A few more lunches like these, and you'll feel amazing stepping on that plane.
Hummus Wraps
If hummus is one of your go-to snacks, why not try it on a wholemeal wrap? Making it from scratch isn't too strenuous – simply blend 200g of chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, a touch of olive oil and whatever herbs/spices you fancy, e.g. cumin/paprika, until your mixture is thick and creamy. Add a tablespoon of water if you can’t get the right consistency.Then take your wholemeal wrap and layer the hummus. They taste amazing with grilled veggies: lots of onion, peppers, maybe a little spinach. Parmesan cheese makes a great addition too if you're looking to up the protein content.
Roasted Pepper and Tomato Soup
If you're one of those people that can eat soup all year round, you're in luck – the super-healthy love to lunch on roasted tomato soup. Making it from scratch is really easy. The evening before, chop 500g of tomatoes, 2 red peppers, 3 cloves of garlic and an onion, and roast in the oven for 30 mins at 180°C/untll the veg is tender. Once ready add to a large pan, along with 500ml of vegetable stock and blend till smooth. Season with salt and pepper and you're all set!This easy-to-prepare dish is laden in nutrients. Kale may steal the superfood limelight, but did you know that tomatoes are an amazing source of vitamins A, C and K? And that they can help protect against cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure?
What's more, if you're averse to eating soup in the warmer months, just think of the lovely things it's doing to your skin. Tomatoes are high in free radical fighting beta-carotene and lycopene, which help protect against cell damage and promote a summer-gorgeous complexion.
Scrambled Egg and Tomato Salsa Wrap
If you've time to rustle up some scrambled eggs this lunch, do it – it only takes a matter of minutes! Eggs are one of the kitchen's unsung heroes. They're a nutrient powerhouse, rich in vitamins B12, B2 and B5, not to mention one of the best sources of protein around, ready with all 9 essential amino acids. And if that wasn't enough, eggs also come packed with the lesser-known vitamin, choline: a vital nutrient for brain health.To make, beat 2 eggs and combine with 1 tbsp of milk. Then add a little butter to the pan on a medium heat, followed by your egg mixture and stir until they're cooked/golden. And for the salsa? Chop 1 large tomato and combine with 2 spring onions, 1tsp of olive oil, a touch of lime juice/vinegar and chilli flakes if you're brave enough.
Then layer your salsa on your
wraps followed by your scrambled egg filling, and voila! You've the
perfect lunch to fuel a hectic afternoon at the office.